Perfect Plimsolls

Ever been inspired by someone younger and more fashion forward than you? How about someone in Kindergarten? Yes… Gulp. This happened to me recently. I was out-shoed by a 5 year old…

Well, she was working the perfect plimsoll. I know! I had completely forgotten the name too, until the very stylish and excellently-vocab’ed mother of the child reminded me of it. While also saying, “Aren’t they ghastly!?” Um. No. They’re fabulous…  I then enquired where she had picked them up. Paris. For 5 euros. Naturellement…

Obviously I needed to get some immediately. Once I saw those PPs (perfect plimsolls) I identified a GAPING hole in my summer footwear stable. Sandals? Tick. Thongs (shoes, not undergarments)? Tick… What footwear would support me if I happened to want (need) to wear French Riveria sporty preppy chic?

Which I could sense was about to happen. Probably tomorrow. (I was already outfitted when the plimsolls skipped into my sight-line). For the following very solid reason – the season ‘to be jolly’ in the southern hemisphere is also the tennis and yachting competition season. Which immediately puts me in the mood to walk out the door ready to photo bomb a Tommy Hilfiger advertisement wearing either a nautical get up or a tennis inspired ensemble.

Obviously when I work this type of sporting chic it doesn’t actually go onto a tennis court or a boat. It sits decoratively court/pool/marina side. Sipping a cool beverage.

But… In the spirit of 100% accuracy. I do play tennis. But not to the standard (semi-pro) that requires real tennis sportswear. Also, I can’t sail. But I love the water. Which means I can work nautical without actually having any sea cred(ibility).

So… The morning after spotting the PPs, I filed a request for a Paris trip to purchase a pair of 5 euro plimsolls with the family CFO (my husband).  I didn’t even get a response. Which I assume is so far past ‘no’ it doesn’t deserve one.

Undaunted, I hit two classic brands who give good plimsoll. And are available for world-wide delivery. (Pretty sure the Paris plimsoll market stall doesn’t have a large international logistics and shipping division out the back.)

First stop? Dunlop. How cool are original Dunlop volleys? They’re an 11. Out of 10. So maybe too cool for this purpose…

Second stop? Lacoste. Hello my new PPs. These PPs are an easy ride. So comfortable! So courtside chic! So sporty I might get fit just by putting them on…


Summer shoe gap? Filled. Tick. (Btw loving ticking items off lists at this time of year. Even though it wasn’t the Christmas gift list I was supposed to be working my way through.  Technicality.)